

All you need to work efficiently with people outside of your organization

What's new?

We keep adding new features every month. Here are our latest announcements:
Manage your organization hierarchy and supervise your team Flows
TakeTurns is now available on iOS and Android mobile devices (read why we went with a Progressive Web App)
People you invite to collaborate just need to verify their email, no signup required
We introduced Recap, a complete timeline of your collaborations to understand who did what and when

Invite external stakeholders to work on documents and files

Invite your counterparts (and your team) to a TakeTurns Flow. Securely share or request any file or document. Participants just have to verify their email, it's easy and secure.

Passwordless invites

 New  Participants just need to verify their email address to access. No signup required [?]

Participant roles

Each participant you invite has a role: leader, contributor, follower or ghost (a better bcc:[?]

Share docs & files

Upload and share any document or files with drag & drop [?]

Request files

Create formal file requests for the other party to fulfill [?]

Set a deadline

Share a deadline with your external stakeholder and track progress [?]

Works on mobile

 New  Access TakeTurns on your mobile device (iOS or Android) without any app store download

Work asynchronously, so it's always clear who does what

Both parties work to review and edit content. Participants are notified when updates have been sent.

Preview files

Preview any document before you download or update [?]

Upload revisions

Upload new file versions [?]

Automatic file versions

Keep track of every file versions uploaded by both parties [?]

Add files or requests

Drag & drop additional documents, folders or requested files [?]

Mark files for review

Ask the other party to review specific files [?]

Send updates

When you're donesend your updates to the other party with a rich text note [?]

Recall your last update

Recall your update if you made a mistake or sent the wrong files [?]


At any point, chat with all participants [?]

Keep everything transparent and secure for you and your counterparts

TakeTurns is built on an immutable and secure ledger that records all your external collaboration events, so all participants work in a transparent and secure workspace.

See all your Flows

Track the progress of all your Flows in one place [?]

Recap all events

At any time, anyone can see a complete timeline of the entire Flow [?]

Supervise your team

 New  View the Flow of your team members to track progress


Formally end a Flow with a note to all participants [?]

Download archive

All participants can download a full archive of files, versions and messages [?]

Ephemeral storage

Archived Flows expire after a grace period so you can comply with your data retention and confidentiality rules

Get started today