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Supervisors, Quick Collaboration Creation, and Usability Updates

At Every Turn TakeTurns Blog
|  by
Mickaël Chevalier
Mickaël Chevalier
Co-founder & CTO
Supervisors, Quick Collaboration Creation, and Usability Updates

TakeTurns is pleased to introduce several new capabilities this month. 

  • Supervisors: You can now define a reporting hierarchy for the users in your organization.  
  • Quick Collaboration Creation: There are now quick create screens for simple file sharing or document collection
  • Quality of life improvements: Clearer reminders when you have an update to send


For PLUS plan subscribers who have created an organization, you can now add reporting hierarchies.  Supervisors (and everyone in the reporting line) has read-only access to the collaborations their team members are participating in. It’s a great way for managers to follow the activity of their direct reports.

To add a supervisor, simply click on the “reports to” column next to the participant and add their supervisor. 

To access those read-only views, click on the “my team” filter.

Quick File Share/File Request 

We’ve also introduced new, streamlined screens to accelerate collaboration creation. They’re perfect if you’re only trying to share files or collect documents.  

These new options appear when you start a “New Collaboration.” 

Document Collection

FIle Sharing

Quality of Life Improvements

The engineering team has made a whole host of updates to the front and back end to make the application much more responsive, especially for our mobile users. 

In addition, there have been comments by some users who felt that it wasn’t always clear when there was an update to be sent.  To remedy this, the team has added highlighting to the collaboration screen to provide users with visual feedback, informing them that there are updates to be sent.

To learn more about the new features and capabilities, please visit

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