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How a consignment business uses TakeTurns for accounts payable

At Every Turn TakeTurns Blog
|  by
Clare Nosowitz
Clare Nosowitz
Customer Success Manager
How a consignment business uses TakeTurns for accounts payable

In previous articles we’ve discussed how TakeTurns has improved the personal productivity of our users and helped them maintain continuity with their external stakeholders. In this article, we discuss an additional capability– the ability to view all outstanding collaborations.

I recently spoke with a manager for a consignment store who uses TakeTurns to reconcile and track her company’s monthly payments to vendors. She prefers using TakeTurns instead of email for this purpose, because when she uses TakeTurns she can see the status of each individual reconciliation with each of her company’s vendors, and the status of all reconciliations in one place at the same time. 

Here’s how it works

Step 1

For an individual reconciliation, the manager creates a flow with the vendor, uploads a sales report, and requests an invoice.

Start a new TakeTurns Flow

Step 2

That vendor reviews, and invoices the sales.

A vendor responds including a note

Step 3

The manager reviews the invoice and provides proof of payment

Accounts payable confirms payment in a note

Step 4

The manager wraps up the Flow when vendor confirms that payment has been received

An accounts payable Flow is wrapped up upon completion

And, at any time, the manager can see the status of all her outstanding AP Flows.

An AP manager's list of Flows.

Prior to using TakeTurns, the manager would have to search through email threads to download invoices from each vendor’s email individually. Looking at all the monthly reconciliations, given that the vendors would often use the same or similar subject lines, these individual email threads would collide, e.g., there would be dozens and dozens of emails in the month of May named “May Recon” (may reconcile indeed!!). And if a specific reconciliation requires any back and forth, the number of emails just multiples.

With TakeTurns, the manager can see all her open Flows on a single screen. Each reconciliation is encapsulated and does not intersect with the other collaborations. She can see which party needs to act next to move each reconciliation forward. Her vendors also appreciate the visibility that TakeTurns provides on their side; they can see whether payment has been issued, and if not, what is needed in order to get payment processed. If any back and forth is required, it happens inside the Flow - there are no stray threads.

Try TakeTurns: The Safer, Easier Way to Work with People Outside of Your Organization

TakeTurns is your one place to share, collect, and collaborate on business-critical documents and files with your clients, vendors, partners—or any external organization. It turns that clutter of emails, attachments, shared folders, and messages into a structured, secure, and transparent TakeTurns Flow.  Ready to improve how you collaborate externally? Try TakeTurns for free.

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