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How a mortgage broker uses TakeTurns to request documents from his clients

At Every Turn TakeTurns Blog
|  by
Matthieu Rocher
Matthieu Rocher
Senior Software Developer
How a mortgage broker uses TakeTurns to request documents from his clients

TakeTurns document requests, or file requests, are one feature that many of our users find useful. In some external collaborations, parties request documents when they need data and proof of its validity.

For example, I recently spoke to a mortgage broker who is using TakeTurns. As part of the mortgage application process, he collects a lot of documents from his clients. Before TakeTurns, his primary tool was email, and it was miserable. While the process always started cleanly (he emailed a file named checklist.pdf), the process got messy incredibly quickly. Clients invariably worked the checklist in a piecemeal fashion, blasting out multiple emails and creating a thicket of email threads. 

For a single application, this unstructured mess of email made it tough to determine what was missing, what needed to be corrected, and–if something was corrected or amended–which version of the document was correct. While this might be annoying for a single application, when you take a step back and look at the broker’s entire book of business and realize that this was the situation for nearly every client, you can feel the loss of productivity and understand his team’s frustration. 

By comparison, our users prefer TakeTurns file requests because it's a simple way to request documents or files in a way that’s structured and trackable. 

Here’s how it works

Step 1

The broker invites his client to a TakeTurns Flow. The participants in this process can be the client individually, multiple members of the client's family, or third parties like the buyer's agent or an attorney. The broker compiles a comprehensive set of document requests, accompanied by clear instructions, and sends it to the client. This set of requests serves as a replacement for a traditional document checklist.

TakeTurns Flow invite Message starting the Smith Family's Mortgage Application Process

TakeTurns Flow Application Pending Invite Screen
Opening Message inside TakeTurns FLOW

Step 2

The client promptly responds by uploading the requested documents and providing updates as necessary.

Document Requested for Mortgage application process
Proof of ID documents request completed
Updates pending to send on requested documents needed for mortgage application

Step 3

Should any documents be missing or additional requests arise, both parties have the flexibility to update or submit new requests at their convenience. Additionally, they have the option to engage in real-time chat discussions throughout the process.

Document request submitted in TT Flow

Subsequent steps

This turn-by-turn exchange, goes on until the mortgage application is complete. The entire process takes place within one TakeTurns Flow and contains the full history.  

But that’s not all.  

When the collaboration is done, the mortgage broker and his clients can download the completed versions of all files (along with the supporting documentation!) in one click. That package can be sent for signature and records retention (archiving) if required.

And, because TakeTurns takes an ephemeral storage approach, after a user-defined period of time (the collaboration’s grace period) all the files are removed from TakeTurns.  In fact, the timely removal of an applicant’s personal data and documents is an important legal obligation for mortgage brokers.   Back when the broker was on email, this exercise took days. And while best efforts were made to remove all the PII, there was no guarantee since the process was completely manual.

Recap of mortgage application completed and submitted documents and messages within the flow

Try TakeTurns: The Safer, Easier Way to Work with People Outside of Your Organization

TakeTurns is your one place to share, collect, and collaborate on business-critical documents and files with your clients, vendors, partners – or any external organization. It turns that clutter of emails, attachments, shared folders, and messages into a structured, secure, and transparent TakeTurns Flow. 

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