Guide to External Collaboration

Best Document Collection Software

October 26, 2023

What is document collection?

Document collection, or online document collection, is the process of collecting digital documents from clients, customers, or suppliers. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as using a custom document request form, a secure file sharing platform, or a portal, or through email (most common).

There are two main styles of document collection with different purposes and distinct features. The two main styles of document collection are: 

  • Project-focused document collection
  • Archive-focused document collection

What are Project-focused Document Collection Solutions?

These solutions primarily focus on collecting documents related to a specific project or collaboration. This could be anything from a request for proposal, a contract negotiation, vendor onboarding, or any project-based endeavor. The emphasis is on obtaining the documents material to the completion of the  collaboration or specific project.

Project-focused document collection solutions have the following characteristics: 

  • Short-term Storage: Documents are typically stored for the duration of the project but are deleted or archived afterwards.
  • Workflow: Methods for guiding users through the collection process.
  • Notifications and Alerts: Have active (alerts) and passive notifications (visual request fulfillment indicators) so the requestor and requestee are on the same page w/regards to request status, and milestones.
  • Communication Features: Real-time and asynchronous communication capabilities to capture the comments and questions tied to the requests and documents.
  • One-time (or multi-round):  Documents may be collected all at once, or over time as the tasks progress.
  • One-time: Often used in scenarios where all the required documents are collected up front (e.g., mortgage applications)
  • Multi-round: Documents are collected over the life of the project, or collaboration, or in phases. (e.g., Document collections in sales,  Submit the RFI, then  RFP, then insurance, etc). 

What are Archive-focused Document Collection Solutions?

These solutions emphasize long-term storage and organization of documents. They serve as both a collection point and a repository for indefinite or prolonged storage, often with a focus on retrieval, preservation, and compliance.  These kinds of solutions are frequently used in portals for vendors, clients, etc. 

Archive-focused document collection solutions have the following characteristics:

  • Long-term Storage: Built for storing documents for extended periods, often with features to ensure data durability and integrity.
  • Archive Search and Retrieval: Emphasis on easily finding documents in the archive.
  • Access Control and Security: Given the long-term nature of storage, these solutions place a high emphasis on document security, user permissions, and encryption.
  • Compliance Tools: Many archive-focused solutions provide tools to ensure compliance with industry or legal standards for document retention and destruction.
  • Audit Trails: Detailed logs of all interactions with a document for transparency and accountability.

How to choose between project-focused and archive focused document collection solutions?

The decision between project-focused and archive-focused solutions depends on the primary needs of an organization. 

If the goal is to streamline how documents are collected as a part of a deal, a project-focused tool would be more fitting. However, if the priority is the preservation and access of documents over extended periods, an archive-focused solution is ideal, e.g., retaining all documents tied to a client. 

When to use document collection software

Online document collection is a great way to streamline the document collection process and make it more efficient. It can also be used to improve the customer experience by making it easier for clients to submit their documents.

Here are some specific situations where online document collection can be useful:

  • When you need to collect a large number of documents from multiple people: Online document collection makes it easy to collect and manage a large number of documents from multiple people, without having to worry about lost or misplaced documents.
  • When you need to collect sensitive documents: Online document collection can help to protect sensitive documents by providing secure file storage and sharing features.
  • When you need to collect documents from people who are located in different parts of the world: Online document collection makes it easy to collect documents from people who are located anywhere in the world, with an internet connection.

And of course, if you need to retain these documents forever, consider archive-focused document collection, otherwise consider project-focused document collection.

When not to use document collection software

While online document collection is a great way to streamline the document collection process, there are some situations where it may not be the best option. For example, if you need to collect original documents, such as contracts or signed forms, then you will need to collect the documents in person or through the mail.

Here are some specific situations where online document collection may not be the best option:

  • When you need to collect original documents: Online document collection cannot be used to collect original documents. If you need to collect original documents, then you will need to collect the documents in person or through the mail.
  • When you need to collect documents from people who do not have access to the internet: Online document collection requires that the people you are collecting documents from have access to the internet. If you need to collect documents from people who do not have access to the internet, then you will need to collect the documents in person or through the mail.
  • When you need to collect documents from people who are not comfortable using online technology: Online document collection may not be the best option for people who are not comfortable using online technology. If you need to collect documents from people who are not comfortable using online technology, then you may want to consider collecting the documents in person or through the mail.

What are some Popular Use Cases for Document Collection Software?

Some classic use cases for document collection include: 

  • Client Onboarding: Firms can collect necessary documents from new clients such as identification, proof of income, or other essential documents.
  • Supplier Management: Businesses can gather necessary documentation from suppliers, such as certifications, licenses, or product specifications.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Firms can ensure they're meeting compliance standards by collecting and managing necessary documentation.
  • Real Estate Transactions: Collect important documents from buyers, sellers, and agents.

The choice to use an archive-focused vs project-focused solution would tie back to how long you intend to preserve the information and your regulatory requirements. 

Five things to consider when selecting document collection software?

  1. Usability: The platform should be intuitive for both the administrators and the end-users. And it should fit your use case project focused or archive focused document collection. 
  2. Security: Ensure that the platform follows industry-standard encryption and security protocols.
  3. Scalability: As your organization grows, the software should be able to handle an increasing volume of documents.
  4. Pricing: Analyze the pricing structure, especially if you expect significant growth in users or document volume.
  5. Support: Availability of customer support, training, and resources can be essential for a smooth experience.

Given the array of options available in the market, it's essential to identify the specific needs of your organization and select software that aligns well with those requirements.

The best document collection software

Here is a list of the best online document collection tools. 


UseCollect is a secure and easy-to-use document collection portal that can be customized to fit the needs of any business. It offers a variety of features, including automatic reminders, white-label branding, and integrations with other popular SaaS tools.

What we like:

  • Project-focused document collection
  • Easy to use and set up
  • Automatic reminders and follow-ups
  • Secure document sharing


ContentSnare is a cloud-based document collection solution that helps businesses collect content from clients and team members more efficiently. It offers a variety of features, including:

What we like:

  • Project-focused document collection
  • Customizable forms and email templates
  • White-label branding
  • Easy to use and set up


FileInvite is a document collection software that helps businesses collect documents from their clients in a fast and secure way. It offers a variety of features such as the ability to create custom forms, send reminders, and track the status of document requests. FileInvite is used by businesses of all sizes in a variety of industries, including banking, financial services, and healthcare.

What we like:

  • Project-focused document collection
  • Improves file organization
  • Automatic reminders and follow-ups
  • Secure document sharing


ClustDoc is a document collection solution that helps businesses automate their onboarding and client management processes. 

What we like:

  • Project-focused document collection
  • Customizable and flexible
  • Integrates with popular CRM and ERP systems
  • Secure and reliable


TakeTurns is one of the only true collaboration platforms on this list. Its document collection features are built in the turn-based collaboration system.  This makes it ideal for project-focused document collection, especially those that require multi-round interactions.

What we like: 

  • Full collaboration platform with turn-based workflow
  • Built-in history and tracking of document collection requests  
  • Automatic document versioning 
  • Unique features such as turn recall and recap (project overview) 
TakeTurns adds automatic workflows and version control, simplifying every document collection process


Lightico is a document collection solution that helps businesses collect e-signatures and other documents from customers and employees in real time. 

What we like:

  • Project-focused document collection 
  • Mobile-first design
  • Secure and compliant


Onehub is a secure and easy-to-use cloud storage and archive focused solution that helps businesses of all sizes manage their documents and collaborate with clients and team members.  

What we like: 

  • Archive-focused document collection  
  • Secure file sharing:
  • Electronic signatures
  • Integration with popular business tools


FileRequestPro is a document collection and sharing solution that helps businesses automate their document workflows.

What we like:

  • Project-focused document collection
  • Customizable request forms
  • Automatic reminders and follow-ups
  • Secure file sharing


SmartVault is a document collection solution that helps businesses of all sizes securely share and store documents with their clients and team members. 

What we like:

  • Archive-focused document collection
  • Secure document sharing and storage
  • Electronic signatures
  • Integration with popular accounting and CRM software

Concluding thoughts

Online document collection is a great way to streamline the document collection process and make it more efficient. It can also be used to improve the customer experience. However, it is important to choose the right online document collection tool for your needs and to consider the limitations of online document collection. Remember to consider your use case and choose between the two main styles to ensure you sucess!


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