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TakeTurns for

External File Sharing

Simplify how you share documents and files with your clients or any external organization. Replace all those complex and confusing email threads with a TakeTurns Flow and protect confidentiality and privacy at every step.

It all starts with a TakeTurns Flow™

Invite everyone to a secure workspace

Participants join your Flow without having to sign up; they just verify their email. Since only invitees get access, you maintain confidentiality and reduce the risk of accidental data disclosures.

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

Do more than share files

Securely and simply distribute as many files and documents as you need. Because TakeTurns is also an external collaboration tool you can add deadlines, requests, and required actions.

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

Preview documents and track versions

View every shared document and file, see who shared and when, and inspect prior versions (if any).

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

Communicate in context

Use the update notes and built-in chat to communicate with your participants without resorting to email. The built-in chat keeps all the questions and comments with the files, helping keep everyone on the same page.

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

Set expiration dates on shared files

Files shared externally should not be shared forever. Not only does TakeTurns provide you with a list of all open external file-sharing flows, you can also schedule each flow for deletion, reducing your risk of data loss.

Create collaboration in TakeTurns

Get started today